About project
For mass consumption but original
We’ve decided to create our own management system (CMS) because we wanted do find a happy medium between a classic, free open source and an original, special one just for our clients. It turned out to be doable mainly because of the fact that our special ‘’open source’’ is based on Ruby on Rails language and not the popular PHP. We address the needs of our clients who want to maintain a slightly more complicated website. The system was released in 2014 during IT FUTURE EXPO 2014 at the National Stadium in Warsaw.
Mokio system is one of the few open source projects made in Poland. It received the first prize at Innovative IT Startup 2014.
Range of activities


Next to “Mokio” logo we placed a ruby – it refers to Ruby in Rails technology we’ve used. The logo we’ve designed is minimalist suggesting how easy it is to use our CMS.
The visual identification of the brand was created from the ground. The promotional material is in red colors making our system stand out in a competitive marked.

Mokio was designed especially for programmers and web hosts as well as for schools, universities and other institutions whose websites require frequent updating.

The ability to create a website quickly on the basis of skins
Similarly to CMSes working on open source license the users of Mokio are enabled to create various skins and modules especially for their future websites.

Simple and comfortable website management
We’ve created as simple admin panel as possible that enables one to add a new article or offer on the website but also attach multimedia or moderate comments.

We’ve prepared a line of products promoting our system. We’ve designed gadgets for IT markets, business cards, bags, files, notebooks or power banks with Mokio logo.