
Norwegian language school

About project

How to understand Norway?

Language is a must. It’s obvious for Polish people who decide to visit Norway. This is the reason why Norkurs sought the way to make it easier to learn Norwegian. We’ve faced the challenge to create a website that would enable the users to check their command of Norwegian and then to sign up for language classes. A modern but simple website stands out among other language school pages which mainly present their offer and price lists. Our goal was to show our guests around the school.


norkurs logo

Nor­kurs is a pri­va­te lan­gu­age scho­ol es­ta­bli­shed in 2013 that of­fers Nor­we­gian lan­gu­age co­ur­ses for Poles. Its de­part­ments are lo­ca­ted in Oslo, Dram­men and Gdansk.

Range of activities

Mokio CMSMokio CMS
vector graphicvector graphic
business cardsmaterials for social mediawebsite with sign up system and language tests
See online
Norkurs - kursy języka norweskiegoo Oslo i Drammen




We’ve pre­pa­red a se­ries of pic­to­grams that made fin­ding sub­pa­ges with texts, con­tact de­ta­ils or so­cial media links even more in­tu­iti­ve.


The we­bpa­ge was also ad­ju­sted to mo­bi­le de­vi­ces. It au­to­ma­ti­cal­ly ad­ju­sts to mo­bi­le pho­nes or ta­blet com­pu­ters’ spa­tial re­so­lu­tion.


Sign up

wybór lokalizacji kursuwybór rodzaju kursuwybór terminu kursuzgloszenie uczestnictwa

Features of the program and the use of solution

animacje na stronie

Website animations

We’ve cre­ated ani­ma­tions using the so cal­led pa­ral­lax ef­fect so that the page is more dy­na­mic. Some of the ele­ments move when the page is scrol­led up and down.

testy językowe

Language tests

You can check your com­mand of Nor­we­gian di­rec­tly on the we­bsi­te. To cho­ose one of the three le­vels you need two clicks. You can share your score on Fa­ce­bo­ok after com­ple­ting the test.

zapisy na kurs

Easy sign up system

The sys­tem that we’ve em­ploy­ed al­lows you to cho­ose from twe­lve le­vels of dif­fi­cul­ty. You can re­gi­ster by com­ple­ting a short form.


Category blog

To make the pro­cess of le­ar­ning even easier we’ve pre­pa­red a blog de­vo­ted to this topic. The blog is di­vi­ded into va­rio­us ca­te­go­ries so that the con­tent is pre­sen­ted in a clear way.

Unique illustrations

Il­lu­stra­tions con­ta­ining ani­ma­tion ele­ments de­fi­nes the new we­bsi­te’s cha­rac­ter. With the use of this tech­ni­que we’ve pre­sen­ted ci­ties where the scho­ol has its de­part­ments. The con­tent was also pre­pa­red espe­cial­ly for so­cial media.

testy jęzkowe


In most lan­gu­age scho­ols le­ar­ners get to know the te­achers du­ring the first class. We’ve pre­sen­ted them on the we­bsi­te to­ge­ther with their con­tact de­ta­ils.

Business cards

We’ve pre­pa­red a se­ries of spe­cial cards con­ta­ining the most im­por­tant in­for­ma­tion about the scho­ol.
